Thursday, June 21, 2012

Writer's block

It happens to the best of us.  The torture that is writer's block shackles nearly all writers at some point.  I have been suffering from a terrible case of too-busy-to-write excuses, though I suspect what was just a facade of the underlying problem of writer's block.  At least I have been reading lately, and it has helped me to redirect my convictions on publication of my work.  I find that some books, despite their wild popularity, lack the eloquent prose I think should define whether a book is good enough to be published.  I guess that's why I'm not an editor at major book publisher.  This realization does, however, provide me with new resolve to keep trying to fine-tune my writing until I am an author of a book - a real book with coverart and paper pages that smell of dust and ink.  Making the best seller's list is a delightful fantasy, but holding my work in my hands, with my name across the front, would truly be a dream come true.  More importantly, letting my work go unread is unfair to everyone who would enjoy it.  I am going to keep trying.  I am going to find a way to make it happen.