Thursday, December 20, 2012

A new Renaissance

Tomorrow is the last day of the Mayan calendar.  Radicals are calling it the end of the world trying to whip us into a frenzy.  This simple fact has led many people down the road of mass hysteria.  Some of which have let their twisted minds give them the audacity to do unspeakable things in their panic.  I am horrified by these events, as are the rest of us.  This paragraph is all I will allot for those nefarious demons before I move on to the real matter at hand.

The end of one era leads to the start of another.  The closing of this age, the chapter of time in which we have all been born and grown, seen so many joyful moments and far too many tragedies, opens up something beautiful and heavenly.  A clean slate ripe with opportunity to try again, to start fresh.

A blessed beginning.  The world anew.  The end of the Mayan calendar means we are moving out of this dark age and into a golden age.  The Crusades were followed by the Renaissance. I believe that we are experiencing the same chance for enlightenment.  I plan to take full advantage of this spectacular endeavor, and I hope everyone else does the same.

School of Athens by Raffael

Monday, December 10, 2012

Back to Maple Tree...

I haven't had much time to work on my blog or novel writing lately and I am looking forward to getting back to it.  I have so many ideas that I am excited to get to work on.  First, I am trying to finish Under the Maple Tree before I move on to something else.  It's sometimes hard to resist the lure of another idea that would be fun to write, but I would rather have another completed novel than several unfinished stories.  Starting another project before the last is completed will only delay my progress so I will just have to keep plugging along until Maple Tree is finished/edited/published.  Only then will I allow myself to begin working on another story.  I am considering changing directions entirely on my next book, maybe not involving psychology at all.  I write this specific niche that I seem to have a special affection for - psychological thrillers involving mental illness.  It's not something that I originally thought would be my favorite genre, but creative forces often lead me down paths I didn't set out to travel.  (The same is true for my paintings and drawings.)  I don't dwell too long on my ideas or intentions because ultimately, my creativity will produce something entirely different anyway.

Apart from the creative aspect of writing novels, the business end is very important to me.  In order for me to share my novels, I have to promote them.  I haven't had much time to do this either.  I am hoping that if I refocus my efforts, I can spread the word about my novels.  I am slowly building a readership, but I feel that there a lot more people (women, particularly) that will enjoy my writing.  I am currently working on creating video trailers for my books in order to showcase my stories to people who have not had the chance to investigate my novels.  Hopefully the videos will help me promote my work, and be fun to watch too!

I will keep updating my blog with my progress on Under the Maple Tree though at this point, I'm looking at a release date estimation of February at the earliest.  I was hoping to finish it sooner, but it's better to have a well-thought-out book than a rushed one!  I just hope my readers will like it once it's finally published!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Piercing Evil Eyes

Piercing evil eyes
staring from across the street
watching, waiting, stalking
from a dark corner's retreat

Plotting his game
she has no clue he's there
hunting, planning
he can't wait to give her a scare

The time has come
he loves the chase
he grabs her just to let her go
so she'll set the pace

She cries out
her footsteps pound
she can't get away
he takes her down

He turns her over
terrified, her voice is shrill
he covers her mouth
his heart pounds from the thrill

He won the race
he has his prize
Another victim
to cut down to size

He is sick
he is wrong
he needs to stop
he can't for long

Lock him up
throw away the key
keep us all safe
from his reign of misery.