Thursday, December 20, 2012

A new Renaissance

Tomorrow is the last day of the Mayan calendar.  Radicals are calling it the end of the world trying to whip us into a frenzy.  This simple fact has led many people down the road of mass hysteria.  Some of which have let their twisted minds give them the audacity to do unspeakable things in their panic.  I am horrified by these events, as are the rest of us.  This paragraph is all I will allot for those nefarious demons before I move on to the real matter at hand.

The end of one era leads to the start of another.  The closing of this age, the chapter of time in which we have all been born and grown, seen so many joyful moments and far too many tragedies, opens up something beautiful and heavenly.  A clean slate ripe with opportunity to try again, to start fresh.

A blessed beginning.  The world anew.  The end of the Mayan calendar means we are moving out of this dark age and into a golden age.  The Crusades were followed by the Renaissance. I believe that we are experiencing the same chance for enlightenment.  I plan to take full advantage of this spectacular endeavor, and I hope everyone else does the same.

School of Athens by Raffael

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