Monday, April 15, 2013

I'm going on tour!

I'm embarking on my first tour - blog tour, that is! I have been writing my little heart out on all kinds of topics from writing to business to relationships. It's been great to write articles for other blogs and websites and I'm honored to have the opportunity to contribute. I'm hoping that my insights will be well received and readers will enjoy what I have to say.

I will post an official tour directory over the course the next few days in order to make the posts accessible from my blog as well. I won't duplicate the topics on my own blog (which I call Abstract) as original content is important to me, so the only way to read the various articles will be through the links I provide.

Once my blog tour is over, I will return to more timely posting on Abstract. I apologize for my lack of new posts! As always, life gets pretty busy and I often find there simply isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done!

My tour will be 4/15-4/22 and I will return to posting regularly on Abstract the first part of next week. Until then, I hope everyone is having a beautiful & abundant Spring!

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