Thursday, May 5, 2016

Your desired feelings

You might think you know yourself pretty well.  You love ballet, babies and watching Scandal.  You dislike mayo and rude people.  Those are aspects of yourself, yes, but they are part of your personality, not your soul.  Soul has nothing to do with mayonnaise.

Truly knowing yourself means getting back in touch with your soul.  Letting your light shine through everything you do because it is in alignment with your greater purpose.  Not sure what your greater purpose is just yet?  Let's take a look at what your soul wants.

The best way to start to know what your soul wants is to think of the things you do for enjoyment.  These activities might not pay the bills but you do them simply because you like the FEELING of them.  I paint, not to produce sale-worthy art, just because I think painting is fun.  I get a feeling of pleasure from the activity.  That feeling or emotion, which might be described as pride, self-love, ecstasy, bliss, satisfaction (and the the list goes on...) is the thing I'm actually trying to bring to me.  It's what my soul wants.

Designing your life around what kind of feelings you want to experience will help you realize that you don't have to be "there" to find those emotions day-to-day.  You can cultivate joy today by doing whatever brings that feeling for you.  Growth is a feeling I want to enjoy more, so I make sure I take the small actions to help me feel like I am working on bettering myself (Hello, Madame Elliptical.  We meet again.).

What are the primary feelings you want to experience in your day to day life? What are some ways that you can take small steps toward feeling those emotions everyday?  I'd love to hear about your journey.  In the comments, share your story about finding out what your soul wants.  You will likely inspire others to do the same!

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