Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It has been brought to my attention that I am a computer pack rat.  I have set up all three of my computers to (finally) consolidate my files.  Good lord, I save everything! I still had school files on my flash drive (which I am backing up all my files to, what a novel idea) from 4 years ago.  I seriously doubt I will be struck with the fancy to read through my business law academic writing papers.

In addition to my spring cleaning, I have posted the synopsis for Fishbowl.  Please read it, and if you haven't read Fishbowl yet, tell me whether it seems intriguing to you or what could be edited to make it more so.  I am trying to write the best back cover blurb I can, so reader input would help me hone my craft.  For those who have already read this one, point out anything you can think of that should be mentioned.  Was there some aspect that stood out to you about Caleb that should be mentioned? Thank you for weighing in on it!

Synopsis of The View From the Fishbowl

At twenty three, Caleb is a fun-loving free spirited bachelor struggling to make ends meet as a young entrepreneur.  Caleb is a creative thinker, whose passion and personality often finds him surrounded by friends.  After suffering a greater devastation than any he previously thought possible, Caleb struggles with the new-found responsibilities that are suddenly thrust upon him in the wake of his tormenting desolation.  Like an angel sent to guide him, a mysterious and catastrophically beautiful love from his past returns to his life, though Caleb is unsure of her true agenda.  Caleb struggles to overcome his feelings, but his world quickly unravels as his grief takes hold on him.  Caleb finds himself facing off with the malicious man he deems responsible for his strife just as his grip on reality is at its weakest.  Will Caleb be able to save himself and his love from harm?  Will he be able to overcome his own worst enemy, his tortured mind?       

Under the Maple Tree

When Julia made it to the base of the stairs, she could hear her parents talking with her sister, Jane, in the kitchen.  Julia could see Jane’s young daughters through the sitting room window, playing happily in the sunny backyard.  Julia smiled at the sight of her adorable young nieces, with their tiny faces framed by straight brown hair and the petite bodies covered in little floral sundresses.  The late May morning in the Pacific Northwest was beautiful, with spring’s blooms a myriad of flowers, all kinds, colors and sizes bursting everywhere.  The backyard was rimmed in rhododendrons and lilacs, with the pinks and purples filling the space and giving it a warm and welcoming appeal, especially when seen through the sitting room window, which was an old fashioned, multi-paned, cut-glass kind with dark wood trim.  The window seemed to multiply the number of blossoms through its prisms.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


A cool breeze swept through the warm summer's night.The trees' branches were still ripe with leaves overhead as they stood together, arms wrapped around one another, in a park that was bordered by a cliff overlooking Seattle's city lights.  Taking in the sights and sounds of the city in the distance, which was still at this late hour, an overwhelming calm rushed over him.  This peace, this serenity, was because of her.  Because there was nowhere else he would rather be.  The moment together was the budding of a new love's bloom.

Welcome to abstractbyjoannasantanen

Dear Friends,
Thank you for visiting my blog.  I hope that what you find here entertains you and inspires you.  I plan to use this forum to discuss my writing and my ideas. I also intend to update my progress on the adventure of finding agent representation and a publisher.  Please feel free to comment on this blog as reader feedback and constructive criticism would be welcome and appreciated.  Happy Reading!
-JoAnna Santanen