Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It has been brought to my attention that I am a computer pack rat.  I have set up all three of my computers to (finally) consolidate my files.  Good lord, I save everything! I still had school files on my flash drive (which I am backing up all my files to, what a novel idea) from 4 years ago.  I seriously doubt I will be struck with the fancy to read through my business law academic writing papers.

In addition to my spring cleaning, I have posted the synopsis for Fishbowl.  Please read it, and if you haven't read Fishbowl yet, tell me whether it seems intriguing to you or what could be edited to make it more so.  I am trying to write the best back cover blurb I can, so reader input would help me hone my craft.  For those who have already read this one, point out anything you can think of that should be mentioned.  Was there some aspect that stood out to you about Caleb that should be mentioned? Thank you for weighing in on it!

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