Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Synopsis of The View From the Fishbowl

At twenty three, Caleb is a fun-loving free spirited bachelor struggling to make ends meet as a young entrepreneur.  Caleb is a creative thinker, whose passion and personality often finds him surrounded by friends.  After suffering a greater devastation than any he previously thought possible, Caleb struggles with the new-found responsibilities that are suddenly thrust upon him in the wake of his tormenting desolation.  Like an angel sent to guide him, a mysterious and catastrophically beautiful love from his past returns to his life, though Caleb is unsure of her true agenda.  Caleb struggles to overcome his feelings, but his world quickly unravels as his grief takes hold on him.  Caleb finds himself facing off with the malicious man he deems responsible for his strife just as his grip on reality is at its weakest.  Will Caleb be able to save himself and his love from harm?  Will he be able to overcome his own worst enemy, his tortured mind?       

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