Friday, September 21, 2012


As a writer, it's not enough to just put together a manuscript, edit it and publish it (by whatever means you can).  I must create a demand for for my book in order for it to have any chance at success.  The more people that know about my novel the better, but that's easier said than done.  In order for me to promote my work, I have created a plan for marketing.  One step in that process is to hang posters in various locations around town.  I am hoping that some of my friends will help me out by allowing me to display my book posters in their shop/office/workplace.  If you'd be willing to do this, please let me know.  I would greatly appreciate it!  Also, for those of you who haven't already (and a special thank you to those of you who have), please post a link on your Facebook page about Restless Mind.  Thanks for helping me get the word out!
Copy this to your page:
My friend wrote a book! Check it out at!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Release of Restless Mind

Restless Mind is available now! Download it today!

Many of the ebook retailers that Restless Mind will be distributed to have a review process that my book must undergo prior to being added to their libraries.  Availability will be delayed by as much as two weeks for retailers like Apple iBookstore and Barnes & Noble.  I will update my website, facebook and blog when I get confirmation that they have been added to the various libraries.
Thank you for your support!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Exciting Announcements!

I am very pleased to announce that my author website is up and running! It went live on Saturday, September 8, 2012.  I hope that you'll stop by and check it out!

Let the countdown begin!
My first novel, Restless Mind, will launch one week from today, on September 17, 2012.  It will be released through Smashwords ( as an ebook, which will be compatible with practically every ereading device!  It will be available for download in most ebookstores, with the exception of Amazon.  I hope to make it available through Amazon in the near future, despite their exclusivity demands.  Until then, please check your ebookstore app, visit my website, or view my smashwords page:

I hope you enjoy my first book and look forward to the next...Happy Reading!