Monday, January 7, 2013


If a peacock's plumage is meant for attracting a mate, what do men do to lure a woman with their lack of beautiful feathers?
As a woman and psychology enthusiast, I am intrigued by the behavior men use to impress or allure women.  There seems to be a specific formula men use in order to present themselves in a positive light and make themselves stand out from the crowd.  Women tend to make the general assumption that men are primarily interested in looks, so we flirt with hair flipping, lip biting and showing more of our skin.  Men operate in an altogether different fashion.  Men seem to "peacock" by boasting about their income, education, career, stability, possessions, or their prestige/status level.  I have had plenty of conversations with men who have told me their income level immediately, and I'm continually surprised by this divide between men and women.
Women don't shake hands with a man and announce their fiscal revenue.  Truthfully, disclosing my wealth (or lack thereof) never crosses my mind regardless of the company I keep.  As a woman, it is generally not the quality by which I measure my worth or my level of attraction to the opposite sex.  (Now, the scale, that's a different story...) I wonder, do men tell each other what they make as a matter of course?  Would two strangers, both men, sitting at the bar, drinking beer and watching the game, talk about their annual gross income?  Doubtful, but hey, maybe they do.  I wouldn't know; I'm not allowed in the boys' club.
Though it may be easy to surmise that men think that women are only interested in a man's prosperity, this is, of course, no more true than a man being fixated entirely on a woman's looks rather than her personality as well (or her income, education, career, possessions, stability, etc.).  I think many women would agree that the confidence that men exude when showboating is attractive, even if its shocking that they would be so forthcoming with their personal information.  That being said, I don't see how else a man would let you know how stable or financially sound he is unless he just came right out with it.  I suppose in the grand scheme of things, we are all wired to do what's natural to attract a mate.  A peacock fans his feathers out, and man opens his proverbial wallet.  Its the different means to the same end, whether man or animal.      


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