Sunday, October 14, 2012


I sit here in my office at just past eleven knowing full well I should be in bed at this hour on a Sunday night, getting as much rest as I can before starting another week.  Sleep can wait.  When inspiration strikes, I like to take full advantage before it slips away as suddenly as it came.

I guess today's thought is gratitude.  I am so grateful for the life I lead, albeit a modest one.  My life is one of my own creation.  I fancy myself the master of my own universe, in the literal sense, as opposed to the spiritual (that discussion is for another day).  I like to believe that all that I am, all that I have, all I will be, are a direct correlation to my decisions, the experiences I have grown from and the effort I put forth.  I can only hope that someday, I'll get to where I want to go based on this idea.  I am going to keep trying as best I can.

Many people have contributed to my life along the way, and I am grateful for them, too.  I love, and am loved in return.  I am happy to love those I keep in my life, and wish the best to the ones I have had to let go.  I have no ill will towards any who have hurt me, as holding on to regret will get me nowhere.  And frankly, I hope they aren't wasting time regretting anything either.

Gratitude.  I am grateful, and I hope that you are too.  I hope that your time is spent doing what you love, as much as mine is, even if what you love is simply petting your cat.  Life is a precious commodity and should not be taken for granted.  I know it's cliche, but it bears repeating.  Live gratefully and find happiness.
I don't know who said it but there is a quote that has stuck with me through my life:
Happiness cannot be sought by those who do not appreciate what they already have.

Well, I appreciate everything - my family, my friends, my health, my home, my pets, my belongings (even that hunk of junk I drive to work everyday).  I am content, comforted and truly happy, and will continue to be so long as I am grateful.

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