Sunday, October 21, 2012

Julia's Perspective

I have been thinking a lot about love, attraction, infatuation, promiscuity versus virtue and pretty much all things involved in what makes a relationship spark and thrive in order to articulate it through my character, Julia.  I am creating a woman so immensely different than who I am that I feel it necessary to really consider things from an entirely different perspective.  I have a rather traditional view of what’s right when it comes to matters of romantic love, but my character might not.  I think about how she would interpret situations in an often opposite way from how I would.  What would entice me might repulse her, and vice versa.  When offered the apple, would my Eve take it?  I think she might.
It’s quite a fun exercise: I get to entertain the devil-on-my-left-shoulder’s opinions, but not act on them.  I can play a whole scenario out through writing but never have done anything even remotely wrong!  And as a bonus: others can enjoy reading about it.  I think it’s a win-win, don’t you?

(Drawing courtesy of Rae to the Gina's blog)

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